PeaceFactory on the road + TED TALK
Presenting the PeaceFactory
As the movement start to gain power and grows up, we ve been ask to present the PeaceFactory in lot of places
In front of small groups, in coffee shops in tel aviv or large crowd like 1500 people in Munich. in front of the Senator of Dallas and her invites, on TED, in Spain, in Paris,in LA, at the M.I.T….
The Talk was recorded in Jaffa, Israel, as part of Tedx Jaffa
“Paradigm Shift” and was later on featured on the
home page for few weeks as “Talk of the week” and become a
TED talk with almost 2 million views.
Since then Ronny his traveling, giving this talk in numerous
events, updating on the Peace Factory work.
University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Peace factory Work shop + 3 Talk
The Goal was to create dialogue, broke down stereotypes, share narratives…and ultimately… make friends with “the other side”.
By the end of the evening workshop, one Palestinian student who never walk before into the Jewish community building was having falafel there with his new friends.
Chicago Ideas Week
Chicago Ideas is a annual gathering of global thought leaders created to provoke new ideas and inspire actionable results.
more here:
On the same trip i also gave a talk at the University of Chicago
M.I.T “Built Peace Through Technology” Conference
Build Peace is a community that brings together practitioners, activists and technologists from around the world to share experience and ideas on using technology for peacebuilding and conflict transformation. Build Peace is also an annual, international conference.
more here:
Santpoort, The Netherlands
Rethinking Governance in Fragile Societies
6th BMW Foundation Global Table.
For 4 days on a mountain to explore how to, together create a new reality
laughter+ tears+ frustration +inspiration +yells + hugs + fear + trust + hope + passion
= the begining of a journey together to create a new reality.
Presenting the “Friend ME 4 Peace” project for TEDx HIT Holon school of design
Annual Meeting TLV
Once a Year we meet, Joujou from the page Palestine Loves Israel , Angy from Israel-loves-Palestine, and supporters to discuss the past and future projects
This years Joujou also use this opportunity to run a writing workshop “Word-Peace”
IDC Herzelia
“We try to get people on both side of the conflict to connect using social media, to get them to know each others”
“Our dream : that every Israeli will have at least one Palestinian friend on fb and vice versa…and that’s the kind of dream that we can make happen.”
with JouJou presenting the PF
Mayor of Berlin
Presenting the Peace-Factory in Jerusalem to Michael Müller , the Mayor of Berlin
Amsterdam, The Hague
Dror and I presented the Peace-factory at the Hague…long and very interesting day….and we ve been invited to make the same presentation at the ministry of foreign affairs the day after
Sea Island, YPO Conference
Presenting the whole PeaceFactory/SandBox/Israel-Loves-Iran project at the Annual YPO conference in Sea Island/ Georgia USA
Jun 2015
Paris Peace Conference
With Joujou from the Page Palestine-Loves-Israel, presenting together the Peacefactory and the “Make a friend, Make Peace” project 2014
Meeting with OTI students in Irvine and LA, and Presenting the PF at a Gala dinner in LA, WIth all OTI members and UCLA President
Malaga, SPAIN, eSTAS week
Munich Germany
“Euphrates Visonary of the Year”
Principia College, Public Affairs Conf
Missouri USA
Euphrates Visionary of the Year Ronny Edry Keynote Speech at Principia Public Affairs Conference 2013 from Euphrates Institute
For one week we ve been invited at the Principia college (missouri) the be keynote speaker at the PAC2013
we present the PF project in front of classes and at the huge Cox Auditorium, on National air waves from saint louis, we meet with Janessa, and Forest from the college, with Rebecca Tobias from the Euphrates Institute and we ve been award the “Visionary of the Year Award”
We get to meet therefor the first time with Majid and his family from the page Iran loves Israel….
the all event was organized by an incredible group of student ( Natalie, Vincent, Abbie, Amy …….) the place is amazing , like a fairytale out of an old movie, up on the hills watching the Mississippi / Missouri was Christmas, especially for ela and neri
Day after arriving i went early in the morning and talk to a class about the middle east and the whole peace factory project, the fact that it was just a meeting in a small class open a good conversation, lot of honest questions.
we had there an incredible out of the blue meeting with Majid and his family. after month of talking on line we actually met in Missouri, was kind of surreal, but also so natural….Majid and family stay the night at Principia (thanks again janessa for that) and the kids become best friends. despite the fact that they don t speak the same language ela and Artemis become inseparable
Presenting the PF at
SCLL. Salt Lake City
and at BYU. Provo,Utah
Sany and I went on a preace mission all the way to Utah
Here is the whoe story in few words…
-was short -we had fun -we met people on line and now we are friends
The way to Utah…was a disaster. we stop in Paris, it was snowing and we get delayed 10 hours. we got out and land …in Detroit. was snowing there also and get delayed again…we finally land in salt lake after a 30 h trip.
katy from slcc was waiting at the airport…sany s luggage wasn’t.
SLCC :salt lake community college
Katy , she was our host, guide and connection to SLCC, she teach English, she s nice, funny, full of energy, she s Adam partner, she s a mother and she take care of us like we were brothers
he s the head of geo department at SLCC, basket ball fan, got tattooed in the week end, took us trough the big city of SLC. friendly and always smiling.
so we got to the hotel, and 2 hours later we where on our way to the college
we meet there with Adam, charlotte and all the staff.
we present Israel-loves-Iran project and our take on the middle east, we had time to respond to questions, the amphy was full of young people from the school and families from the area come to be part of the event
Sany and I made a work shop after that with the students about getting involved in peace by pushing your own projects
we work for 2-3 hours with a large group of students we had lot of fun and pizza.
at that time i was so jetlag i was almost sleeping with my eyes open…
we got back to the hotel and meet with Katy and Adam after that for dinner
Mormon country, people don t drink, don t smoke don t spit. even coffee is a blasphemy. anyway they took us to a nice brewery, we tasted home made beer , burger and fries.
I slept like baby ( that s a lie…Sany almost lost hi passport. we didn’t sleep at all)
we met at 8 with Katy. and sany s passport. Adam had coffee ready for me and we headed to Provo…deeper in Mormon countryon the way we stop at a donuts factory and that alone was worth the all trip
The all idea ( coming to Utah) came and was organize by Jo.
We never met just mails, he s a professor of art at Brigham Young University (BYU).
When I first saw him he was completely different from what I was expecting.
sounds on the mails serious, strict and professional and here we where meeting with that 60 old look smiley farmer, strong handed, frank, sportive and funny.
Took us, me and Sany to meet with the head of visual art department.
the school looks just amazing. King a make me jealous we don t have the same facilities where I teach in Israel
we got the tour…. makes you want to be a student or a teacher there
(even if it s at the end of the world)
we present the PeaceFactory to the students and staff, and we had a poster workshop with the art and graphic students after that. In few hours we had them realize and upload some nice designs on FB..this was a great moment for me, working for the first time with American students later we meet with the head master of BYU , everybody were so nice to us. we had dinner in a magic place called Sundance (the Robert Redford film festival resort) and we sleep at Jo s house.
the day later Jo took us on a trip to the Utah mountains, he made jokes all the way in the car and showed us his country like we never new…that was the best part of all back from the mountains we meet again with Adam and Kati for a nice evening ….and up we were on our way back in
I m in Tel Aviv now and it all look surreal….just want to thank you all again for your hospitality and kindness to us ,for giving us the opportunity to speak about the middle east to your student and try to push for peace
Dallas TEXAS
with Senator Eddie Bernice Johnson
I was one week in Dallas presenting the PeaceFactory and all the work we did this past year.
I talk in front of the UN association , Texas-Israel chamber of commerce, the Dallas museum of Holocaust and the Iranian community at SMU university and I met with so many nice and understand people…
The big event was presenting the PF in front of the congresswomen Eddie Bernice Johnson at her annual event.
That was a key moment because it was some king of recognition of our effort toward peace by the an official of the US gov.
At the end of the presentation , the congresswomen went on stage and says
” this movement you started, may be the one who save us from world war 3″
(thanks to Shirin for all the Organization)
Make Friends, Make Peace
PEACE starts with the people, one person at a time.
Today it’s easier than ever to connect and reach out to one another. We can talk, we can meet, and we can start a new friendship without even leaving our homes just by the click of a button. One new person, One new connection. Peace is when we see and treat each other as people.
All we have to do is talk.