For 3 weeks, 70 buses in the Tel-Aviv area were carrying posters of 12 faces, of Iranians & Israelis that are saying the same message, on mass media. we were targeting the people on the streets, those who don’t have facebook and had never heard about us, so we decided to start with the positive “we love you” slogan.
We advertise. for peace.

My parents met in Poland, just after the war. They were the only survivors of their families. My brother was born in a refugee camp in Germany. I was born in Jerusalem. My parents never told us about what happened to them “there”, and we never asked.
When I was 10 years old, listening behind a closed door, I found out that my father had a wife and two children who were killed during the war. I ran and asked my brother if he knew about that. He said yes. We never mentioned it again. I don’t need the Holocaust Day to be reminded of what happened. Everyday of my life, I feel as if I, myself, were at the death camps.
–Batya, 64, Tel Aviv

PEACE starts with the people, one person at a time. Today it’s easier than ever to connect and reach out to one another. We can talk, we can meet, and we can start a new friendship without even leaving our homes just by the click of a button. One new person, One new connection. Peace is when we see and treat each other as people. All we have to do is talk.
Meet the SANDBOX