Ronny talks about Israel Loves Iran – March 2012
We love you from Israel to Iran
short movie made by ronny ‘s students
They advertise for war , We advertise for Peace
As part of the project : Share your story
“Take a camera, a phone, and upload your story 30 sec to one minute, just a glimpse …it will change the world”
We have started with one poster. one image. Now we’ve got thousands of images. Let’s turn these images into stories.
Let’s hear the voices behind the pictures.
Share your day to day, show where you live, the street, your house, your shoes,
your kitchen, the basket ball team you like.
Share with us your story. Let’s show the world that we are real people.
A message from Israel to Iran in Parsi
Yossi: born in Tehran, came to Israel in 1985
Shimon: born in Israel to an Iranian Family that came to Israel in 1957 from Mamdan

I had to come out
I was twenty when my parents bought me the ultimate “babe magnet” – a convertible Peugeot 206. They thought i needed a little leverage to push me out of my shyness with the girls. I knew it’s time to kick down the doors of my closet.
My sister already knew about me. Coming out to her was in my terms. I guess it’s usually easier to come out to your siblings first. One day, my sister told me that mother asked her about the success of the “babe magnet”. I knew this is it! enough is enough! today is the day…
With my father i knew it’ll be easy or at least easier. He was a devoted fan of “queer as folk” TV series back in those days so the ground was set. The minute he came back home, i told him. “Don’t worry we are all good” he replied and while he was climbing up the stairs to his room he mentioned that the only thing he is disappointed about, is that I didn’t clean the mess i left in his room…
With my mother it was much harder…I couldn’t face her directly so I wrote a letter and my brother gave it to her….she didn’t take it well. I was expecting her empathy, her full support. Instead she sent me to a shrink. She thought I was confused and that it would go away. She didn’t tell any of her friends. Our relationship became extremely hard. I would shout and act aggressively. I couldn’t accept myself until she would accept me. At some point, I had to get away from her until I came to terms with myself. Only then, I could bring her back into my life.
I guess it’s true what they say; once you go out of the closet, your parents go in. At least for my mom…
Then Boaz came… my lotto winning ticket!
It’s amazing how everybody loves him. Everywhere he goes he glows with positive energy.
My family adores him… sometimes I think they like him even more than they like me.
He is the ideal groom. And he loves me so much! He chooses me.
I never thought that anybody would love me this way.
If someone like Boaz loves me then I must be o.k.
We are together for four years now. Boaz wants children very much. I am not ready for it yet but for him I am willing… No more than two my love :)
-DAN ,33 דן
-TelAviv, ISRAEL

PEACE starts with the people, one person at a time. Today it’s easier than ever to connect and reach out to one another. We can talk, we can meet, and we can start a new friendship without even leaving our homes just by the click of a button. One new person, One new connection. Peace is when we see and treat each other as people. All we have to do is talk.
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