Four months after the campaign was born, we had our first offline meeting in the real world, in Munich. I met Ronny Edry – the man behind the Israel Loves Iran campaign – and Joujou from Palestine Loves Israel“ for the first time. It was unbelievable: an Israeli sitting together with a
Palestinian and some Iranian friends on a table in a coffee bar in Germany. The whole afternoon we were sitting together laughing, talking, eating together – in peace. From the first moment I felt so connected to Ronny and Joujou as if I had known them for a long time. And they told me that they felt the same, so I decided to create a Facebook page that represents my feeling towards them: Iran Loves Israel & Palestine. Nobody can force me to decide between them. They are both a part of me,
same as Israel and Palestine, both are part of the Middle East and will always be.
So what did we do exactly? We got into direct contact on Facebook, we communicated via chat and skype, we built groups on Facebook, we shared pictures, experiences and our views. Through this exchange a real change happened in our hearts and minds. And I understood that communication is the way – as simple as it is. For the next step we met in real life: first Ronny came to Munich and met Joujou and me, then I went to Israel to visit Ronny and his family in Israel, and now Joujou went there too.
So peace is possible in three easy steps: 1. communication 2. real meeting 3. spreading the message through pictures and stories.
How did the change in our minds happen? Through communication, because we are able to distinguish now between propaganda and reality. We share first hand information and make-up our own mind about the people we are told to consider as “enemy”. And now that we are connected we can plan how to fight warmongers together.
About the page:
Unfortunately the Israeli – Palestinian – conflict has been abused by many politicians and fanatics – including Mullahs in Iran – for so many years but none of those fanatics ever really cared about the innocent victims on both sides. Instead of making everything worse, IRAN should become constructive and help to find a PEACEFUL and FAIR solution. So, the Iran Loves Israel & Palestine page is a platform for the people, for those who seek PEACE, because, our conflicts are linked to each other… so let‘s connect and unite for Freedom, Peace and Democracy in the whole Middle East.
PEACE starts with the people, one person at a time. Today it’s easier than ever to connect and reach out to one another. We can talk, we can meet, and we can start a new friendship without even leaving our homes just by the click of a button. One new person, One new connection. Peace is when we see and treat each other as people. All we have to do is talk.
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