We are a social online movement that connects people over the middle east
We ❤ You
Meet the
Middle East
ONE Person At a Time
Every week new stories
new peoples from all over the region
Iranians in TELAVIV
For 3 weeks, 70 buses in the Tel-Aviv area were carrying posters with the faces of 12 Iranians & Israelis, all saying the same message. we were targeting the people on the streets, those …
moreFriend me
the simplest way to make peace…make people connect on facebook.
Read about the project
With the Israel-loves-Iran movement, a communication line in the middle east was opening
Quickly, other pages appeared, taking the idea and pushing it forward. One of them was …
the Social Design Studio
We are a design lab, a group of creative people who want to make a difference …
moreTED Talk
PF on the road
Watch the TED talk and see where we have presented the PeaceFactory so far
moreIsrael Loves Iran
Peace Factory
MARCH 14, 2012 One evening, as the governments of Israel and Iran renewed their calls to war, 41 year old Ronny Edry and his wife Michal Tamir, graphic designers and teachers living in Tel Aviv, uploaded …
moreShare your Story
Tell your story, share your perspective, and bring YOUR Middle East to life.
Share your story and help make peace viral!
I read somewhere a clever advice:
Fake it until you Make it.
That’s exactly what we have been doing for the past 3 years …
Once you see your enemy as a human being similar to yourself, being expressing his love and understand he doesn’t hate you as years of propaganda succeed to make you believe, you can never go back to blind hate, then you can start to know each other
and you will be ready for peace

Happy New Year
Sana Tova
Can Designers bring Peace?
Israelis, Palestinians,Jews, Arabs…whatever…
We met over a weekend for A BIG brain storming session
CMD/SHIFT/PEACE #1 A 2 day workshop
FACTS & Numbers
The Peace Factory’s work is dedicated to connecting people through social media. The Peace factory includes a large group of facbook pages pushing the same message, making peace viral since we started …
1 picture from Tehran, the other from TelAviv, the same colors, the same people, the same stories, a collage from both realities…this is the result.