When you “friend” someone, you “friend” his friends, his all world. you became part of a big circle, part of an idea : PEACE
in one click you change how you see the world
in one click, you change the world
Peace in the Middle East…… simple as one click
All you need is one new friend on fb
One friend , it s all it takes to change your mind, to make you see the world in a different way
most of us have friends just from “our side”
imagine having an Israeli friend, a Palestinian friend, an Iranian, a Syrian….anyone from “the other side”. Just one, on your fb list
you don’t even have to talk to them.
Looking at their birthday pictures, reading their status…makes you realize that you are just the same. You realize that you like the same basket ball team, same movie, you do the same job, you both hate your boss…..then maybe you start talking, maybe you really become friends.
All you need is that small connection to start the change, to make peace.
Imagine every Israeli having one, just one, Palestinian friend, or one Iranian, one, Lebanese
Imagine every Iranian having one, just one Israeli friend on his/her list, every Turk, every Syrian on fb having one Israeli friend.
Imagine you in Boston, Paris, Berlin, NY, friend with someone from Tehran, Damascus, Gaza, Baghdad … looking at their lives as its happening, getting to know them….
We d like YOU to be part of the ” friend me 4 peace” project
all you have to do is
-go on the page (Israel-loves-Iran)
– post : “friend me” + your country
we ll do the rest. We ll find your profile picture, your profession, and we will design a post with it so people can add you as a friend.
Peace it’s Viral
The only answer to hate, to fear, to to show our face, to prove that we have so much in common.
I received more than one hundred peace and love messages since 2 nights ago. Even more than happy birthday messages, i made more than two hundred friends from all around the world. Welcome to my life everybody It feels so good that you’re here and i can write for you about my life which is not too easy to live. It makes me feel that i’m not alone.
P.S. counting those hearts you posted on my wall reminds me i’m not an abandoned Iranian trapped in my country forever. P.P.S. I love you
I have followed the ‘Israel loves Iran’ facebook page since last year and have had the chance to meet and chat with people who now I consider are close friends of mine, but what happened two weeks ago when I joined the ‘Friend me 4 peace’ project was more of what I could ever expected. I have now nearly 150 new friends added from more than 22 different nationalities! Some of them are from places where I have been before and when we talk it is incredible how familiar the conversation goes. It is exciting also to have the chance to be in touch with people from distant locations from where I live (like Iran, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Tibet, Malaysia or Mauritus) and know that we are united by the same spirit of sharing and knowing each other in the name of LOVE and WORLD PEACE. Thanks Ronny!
It’s so great to wash the idea of war with something much more powerful which is peace .it’s also cheaper
Friend me!
Je me souvient avant 1979 il y avait 2 Vols par semaine de EL AL entre Téhéran-Tel Avive. espérons même
relation amicale recommence.
This project is just amazing! You can FEEL the power of love! it doesnt matter where you come from, we are all one!
The only way to break down prejudices is to
talk each other and to tell the whole world how amazing
people from “the other side” are.
feel free to friend me, i want to learn more about your country!
I got about 110 new friends from various countries – many from Iran, USA, Germany, India, Bangladesh, Romania, GB, Switzerland etc.
enjoying all my new friends! this is an amazing project!
I found this page by Coincidence and it change my vision about lot of thing and people i found love Through them and i haven’t meet anyone of them but i feel peace about them
i made about 80 friends in 9 hours and all of them lovely friend so thank u for this Opportunity and thanks for my new friend
I am Mahmoud
I am a Muslim
and i am not a Terrorist
Thank you! this movement is in a great friendly and peaceful way! I have now so many new friends all over the world! if a thing can change Middle-East I think, that would be this movement!
Thanks you for adding me my friends!! Warm and peaceful greetings from Iran to all of u!
-Josef Habibi
When ISIS came to Iraq, families ran from the war zones. They lost their houses and everything they owned.
We had a government that wasn’t doing anything for us so we started to collect clothing from the people of the city and distributed them to the refugees.
We struggle to do this because we lack the appropriate financial support.
Most of the refugees are from Mosul, Tikrit, Diyala and Ramadi. Most of them are Arabs and Turkmen. I personally helped the displaced families of Tal Afar and Mosul.
PEACE starts with the people, one person at a time. Today it’s easier than ever to connect and reach out to one another. We can talk, we can meet, and we can start a new friendship without even leaving our homes just by the click of a button. One new person, One new connection. Peace is when we see and treat each other as people. All we have to do is talk.