During the major war in Darfur, the Sudanese activist community cried out for help and media attention, but their voices never made it outside of Sudan’s borders. I can only imagine how much worse things could have gotten if it wasn’t for George Clooney. His visit changed the whole game. I don’t think he’s really aware of the significant difference he has made. On behalf of all the lives he saved I want to say:

Women are extraordinary magical creatures, who are capable of doing extraordinary things.

A perfect day for me is a day that starts with Ethiopian coffee and popcorn, and in which I don’t get sick to my stomach from reading or watching the news.

-two embarrassing moments in my life. The first was the day I got food poisoning in first grade and pooped my pants halfway home.
The second was the day I came home naked from school on a dare.
-Me, age 1.
The second was the day I came home naked from school on a dare.
-Me, age 1.