During November 2012 in the beginning of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, we start a campaign asking to stop the violence, asking for a cease fire. We receive thousand of messages
from Israel , Palestine and all over the world, text and images from people supporting peace in the region. It was important, especially at the time , to show that even in the middle of the storm there are people how want peace and stand for it on both sides
8 days of violence between Israel and Hamas hundreds of missiles, rockets, bombs dead, fear, millions of people under attack
Here we call it “circle of violence” ,”Rounds”, like a boxing match, that goes on for 60 years, never ending
today I have the worst argument with my best friend. Was ugly, depressing
“you calling for cease fire when buses are blown up in your own town, rockets falling over your head!!, how stupid that is?!”I m calling for a cease fire for 8 days, for 10 years, and every day that pass without it, every loss …that’s the stupidity. Because every conflict have an inevitable end. And it s not the death of the other side….no ..the inevitable it s peace. Even after 100 years of war…peace will come. So why not today.
Haven’t we lost enough, why wait for the next bus, the next bomb.
do I have to raise my son to go fight in the next round for peace to happen.
What is wrong with NOW More dead won’t resolve nothing. The only solution is Peace.I m not leaving Israel to live in Canada. This is my home. I’m here to stay.
I’m sure Palestinians wont leave to Jordan either. This is their home.
I m ready to share, to make it together, I m ready to live in peace, I m ready to sit and talk, even after all the violence, because I understand that every day count. If we start today, we save the ones that don’t die tomorrow
I’m ready Ronny.
Please stop the war
Please stop the rockets.
Please don’t enter Gaza.
It will lead only to more death.
On both side people are going to die.
We are going to loose friends, family, children.
We are going to get trapped in another bloody
circle and at the end it will serve no one.
We can stop now.
Stop the rockets.
Stop the marching orders.
Just stop.
Talk before it s too late.
This is The only solution to this madness.
Even in this difficult moment, even after all the rockets, the bombing, the dead, it is not to late.As an Israeli, my heart goes to my people in the south of Israel, to the mothers and children
of Ashdod, Ashkelon, to the families who lost their loved one, to the people who have been living in fear for years.
As a human being my heart goes also to the mothers and children of Gaza, to the families who lost their loved one,
to the people living in fear for years.More bombs on both side won t change a thing. They will just prove right the extremists and take all of us down.
In 2009 hundreds of people died in the same scenario….for what?
In the last 4 years both side should have done everything they can so this will never happen again….
and today it s happening all over again.
Today can be the last day of this war if you want it
Please stop the war
Ronny, Israel
stand with us, send your picture and we will post it with the slogan
“Please Stop The War”
we ♥ you
we are all one
and many more…
PEACE starts with the people, one person at a time. Today it’s easier than ever to connect and reach out to one another. We can talk, we can meet, and we can start a new friendship without even leaving our homes just by the click of a button. One new person, One new connection. Peace is when we see and treat each other as people. All we have to do is talk.