Can Designers bring Peace?
Israelis, Palestinians,Jews, Arabs…whatever…
We meet over a weekend for A BIG brain storming session
CMD/SHIFT/PEACE #1 A 2 days workshop
As designers we have many tools to create impact, most of the time we use those tools …to sell stuff.
Do we have a bigger role to play than just making nice packaging for food?.
But, could we use all this creativity for another purpose : making peace?
25 people answered the call.
friends, formers students, most of them graphic designers, came together and we tried to answer this question…. (obviously to me the answer was yes…)
One by Yossi lemel who squeezed 30 years of activism into 30 min. Then my former teacher and friend, Jogol, told us there was no chance that we would make any difference…but we still have a duty to try.
The guidelines of the brief were:
-using social media as platform of distribution and/or other available technology
Day 2 opened with Yoav einar and Sany Arazy.
They spoke about their work for different political groups here in Israel
and how design impacts the political game.
We again split up into work groups.
After brainstorming, lots of food, beer, and tons of chocolate, each group presented its ideas.
We uploaded everything on a fb page so you can add comments to the projects, and keep developing these ideas.
CMD/Shift/Peace facebook page project
Here are a few examples of the projects we developed during the first workshop (more are on the fb page..)
Designers 4 Peace by Michael Melnick
Design a poster for peace and post it here: designersforpeace
A facebook page where People post a 15 second movie of their daily life…
the goal is to show each-other what’s happening on the street in the same moment on different sides of a conflict.
Donate your Facebook cover photo for a few days for peace.
Post a sentence about peace on Israel loves Iran page and we will make it a cover poster….then you can use it on your page
Subscribe for peace:
With the participation of
Yossi Lemel
Jogol (Shimon Sandhaus)
Tawfeek Barhom
Aviram Meir
Sana Jamm
Oded Babayoff
Ali Abu Awwad
Maayan Froind
Yoav Einhar
Sany Arazi
Ronny Edry …..
sponsored and organized by the Peace Factory
סדנא למעצבים שרוצים לשנות את העולם
סדנת עבודה בת יומיים, שבה נשב יחד, מעצבים יהודים וערבים,
וננסה לחולל שינוי במזרח התיכון דרך הרשת החברתית
(נשמע יומרני?)
הזדמנות למעצבים שבוער בהם הצורך לשנות ולהשפיע,
לצאת לרגע מהמשרד, מהמחויבויות המסחריות, מהמתח והלקוחות,
ולמכור מוצר אחד ויחיד, שאנחנו הלקוח העיקרי שלו. השלום.
האם אנחנו באמת יכולים לשנות?
האם לכמה פוסטרים באמת יכולה להיות השפעה?
בסדנא נעמיד למבחן את השאלה,
ואם לא נצליח לשנות את המזרח התיכון לפחות יהיה כיף מעניין וטעים!
מרצים בסדנא
יוסי למל: עיצוב שעושה שינוי
שמעון זנדהאוז: תפקיד המעצב בחברה
סני עידו ארזי: עיצוב ,כלי ווראלי
יואב עינהר: עיצוב חברתי
רוני אדרי: Peace Factory
:סאנה ג’אם Studio Kanaba
תאופיק ברהום, שחקן קולנוע
אבירם מאיר מנהל ביס גורן לתקשורת חזותית
עודד בביוף :מתנס אינטראקטיב
:מעיין פרוינדCEO @ Brands Hugger
הסדנא תיערך בסטודיו פושפין, רחוב אחד העם 56, תל אביב
לפרטים נוספים : רוני אדרי 0523806508
הסדנא מיועדת לסטודנטים ולבוגרי האקדמיות לעיצוב
ההשתתפות חינם
מספר המקומות מוגבל לעשרים משתתפים
The Program
Day 1 24/1/2014
Opening doors
welcome presentation: Ronny Edry
14:00 14:05
Yossi Lemel: design as a factor of change
14:10 14:30
Jogol (Shimon Sandhaus): The role of designers
14:40 15:00
the Workshop part 1
15:00 19:00
Mingling and drinking, talking about stuff and smoking cigarettes
19:00 20:00
Day 2 25/1/2014
Opening doors
Yoav Einar : political design
14:00 14:20
Sany Arazi: Design that goes viral, the 61 project
14:30 14:50
The Workshop Part 2
15:00 19:00
Go home people , don t you have something to do
ok.. your welcome to stay for a drink and talk about it ….but make it short
WOW! You don’t look like an enemy.
An Israeli guy and I got into a same elevator in a hotel in Bulgaria. He said something in Hebrew to me that I didn’t understand. I asked him: “Do I look like an Israeli to you?” He said: “Everyone in this hotel is Israeli. Say shalom and see how many people will shalom back.” I said shalom, and after we laughed he asked me where I came from. I said, “Iran”, and he said, “Wow, you don’t look like an enemy.” I told him: “it’s because I’m not one.” He laughed. It was that easy.
–Shirin, 19, Tehran
PEACE starts with the people, one person at a time. Today it’s easier than ever to connect and reach out to one another. We can talk, we can meet, and we can start new friendships without even leaving our homes – just by the click of a button. One new person, One new connection. Peace is when we see and treat each other as people. All we have to do is talk.
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