For 4 days on a mountain to explore how to, together create a new reality
laughter+ tears+ frustration +inspiration +yells + hugs + fear + trust + hope + passion
= the begining of a journey together to create a new reality.

We have a home, let’s fill it with love instead of hatred, peace instead of war, joy instead of sadness
Let’s us be worthy of its beauty!

Creative Thinking
The purpose of the Meeting is to build the strategy and design the plan for building a successful and impactful Peace movement in each society, Israel and Palestine.
The idea is to identify and address the root causes of hatred and violence on both sides and tried to create a plan for implementation of non violent and constructive ways.
The idea is to meet each other on neutral ground and start thinking “solutions” together

That was an incredible and empowering week, very challenging, on different levels private and political. I’m happy to say that I feel the END of the occupation possible and that it is on US, on ME to make it happen, it won’t be easy, but it is POSSIBLE, something I wasn’t sure about at the begging of the workshop. I came back home feeling positive and willing to take actions.

Make 10 Friends
10 Israelis meeting with 10 Palestinians for 4 days.
Not sure we get a peace agreement, but at least we can make friends and keep pushing from there…
so 10 become 100 and 100 goes 1000….
We only need to get to 10.000.000 and it’s done

It was a challenging week
I was very impressed by all the different views everyone had and all the hard work they’re all doing to make a change…
I hope that we can overcome our differences and work together to make it happened.