in the middle eastno hope no love no friends. many enemiestthe only solution to save the middle east, i s to start the middle east is burning and it s seams hopless.people are afraid, refugees …millions of people lives in fearfear rules the regionhate rules the region. hate is winningmany tries to explain the problem, but almost no sulutionwe doing. we make friendswe talkwe create bridges because communication is their worst enemieswhen countries are at war, we the people talk. each news friendship in the middle east is a stop to bling hateeach new friendsship in the middle east in brick in the bridgeso we create the peace factory, we understand that we can do somthingvery simple , but priceless….make friends. there are many conflict in this region and all solution goes by the same answer….talkwhen nation are at war, we need to talk. we cant leave the battle feild only to politician, we have a role to play, …it s simple, connect. imagine each isralis having a palestinian friends, talking with him everyday….human connection is the answer to brain washingwe can si and do nothing, or do one little simple thing…that can change evrything: make a friend. one click. one connection and we r making the middle east a better place.our goal is simpe : make as many friends over the middle east as we canso scince 2012…this is what we r doing. everyday, one by one, we connection do so..we r using social media. campigns, design, mass communication…we actualy branding peace. peace is coolpeace is healthier////with peace live longerpeace is sexy.peace is the answer to all the crazies trying to separates us, to makes us hate, do divide and conquers.we kiss for peace, we coffee for peace, we peace of cake, we peace over and over and over again,…until we have connected evryone.try to convices me kill somone that i know for a fact that we r bothhuges clevland cavalier fan…, that we both lovee the same metal band….and it s cheep. it s easy, we r not dvloping any new tech, we using the one availabale, we r focusing on one simple and doable task. we r making friends. how ca nyou help….share it. make it viral with us..for each decapitation movie, we need a kissing one. be an ambassador, be part of the it, kisss a muslim a jew a christian, huge an iranian, an israeli a palestinian, …and send us the picturesupport us. we need money t okeep doing thatour goal for 2016 is 37k news friendships